gereja ortodoks koptik iskandariah bahasa Inggris
- gereja: church; kirk; church buildings; church
- gereja ortodoks: eastern orthodox; eastern orthodox church;
- gereja ortodoks koptik: coptic orthodox church
- ortodoks: orthodox; eastern orthodox church footer;
- koptik: copts; coptic
- iskandariah: alexandria
- gereja ortodoks koptik aleksandria: coptic orthodox church of alexandria
- daftar paus gereja ortodoks koptik: list of coptic orthodox popes of alexandria
- katedral ortodoks koptik janasuci markus: saint mark's coptic orthodox cathedral
- gereja katolik koptik: coptic catholic church
- gereja ortodoks: eastern orthodox; eastern orthodox church; orthodox catholic church; orthodox church; eastern church
- eksarkat gereja ortodoks rusia: exarchates of the russian orthodox church
- eparki gereja ortodoks rusia: eparchies of the russian orthodox church
- gereja ortodoks albania: orthodox church of albania
- gereja ortodoks belarusia: belarusian orthodox church